Friday, December 4, 2009

Star Plot

For this type of map you have what is a general form of a start. Then you have your different degsigns to post on the star and depending on the points that they are place they could very well match up to form one dot together.

Correlation Matrix

For this map you decide where the color is going to go by picking the verticle and horizontal point and matching them up. then you place that degree of color where the two points match.

Similarity Matrix

Stem and leaf plot

In this grap or plot map there is a total of 17 items. For each of the items it is broken down into how many are in each item.

Box Plot map

For this type of map, the United States is into 11 different sections (into different boxes). Then inside the 11 boxes are subdivided into little sections in that region to show the outcome of death rates.

Histogram Graph

Parallel Coordinate graph

This type of map shows the specific measure of heighth and width of a specific thing. This kind of map would be good in determinng how big and wide a certain area is.

Triangular Plot Map

This type of map is showing three distinctive points in a certain area. This type of map would be helpful for someone who was looking to find an apartment or house to live in, but in a specifice area. This map would also help in showing specific areas around the place you were trying to buy at.

Windrose Map

For this map, the navigational compass helps to decide where to take the routes that you would like to go. On this map it is similar to an aerial map in that it displays the differenct areas.


For this type of map, it is for the country of Brazil, and it is showing the difference in temperature and precipitaion for the different cities that are located in Brazil. The further you travel up Brazil the hotter the temperature will be, this is true for the precipitation as well.

Population Profile

This profile is showing the distribuation of Dominicans by state. This map shows that there are not many states that gather many dominicans.


In this map it is showing the difference in a husband's and wifes age.

Index Value Plot

Bilateral Graph

Nominal Choropleth Map

Unstandardized choropleth Map

Standardized Choropleth Map

Univariate Choropleth Map

Bivariate Choropleth Map

Unclassed Choropleth Map

Classed Choropleth Map

Range graded proportional Map

This map is showing the number of mexicans that reside in each state. The bigger the ball, the more mexicans there are. The further north, towards North and south Dakota, there are fewer mexicans than like going further south where more mexicans reside.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

All the circles on this map are identifying the same thing, but in a proportionate way. For each piece of the circle it is identfyl a major industry and how that specific area occupies that industry.





Isopleth Map

In this map it shows the distinction of different states with different Hydrogen Ion Concentration levels. Also, this map shows that even within the different states, there are states that have the same concentration, whether it is a high or low level state.

Isopach Map

These maps show the difference in the thickness between each level. This kind of map would be helpful for archeologist in determining how deep they would have to go in order to find what they are looking for.

Isohyet Map

Just like the isobars and the isotachs maps, this map, isohyets, shows the low and high level, but the difference in this map is that it shows the high and low levels of precipitation.

Isotach Map

Here the map is showing the high and low levels of temperature. You can live in a high or low level area and both the areas could have the same temperature.

Isobar Map

These types of map show the high and low level of elevation to that of sea levels. The further out you go from the center the higher the low level becomes.


These type of maps portray the way ground levels occurr. This helps archeologist determine how deep or high a place really is. Also it can help to determine changes from precvious years.

Doppler radar map

This hurrican is a really good example being shown on a doplor radar. For this map they were wanting to show the intensity from the middle of the hurricane to the outskirts of the hurricane to give people a better understanding of what to prepare for.

Black and White aerial photo Map

Just like an infrared aerial photo map, this type of aerial map also shows the distinctiveness of where things are. By looking at a map that has been taken up in the air, gives someone a little bit of a better understanding of the surroundings around them.

Infrared ariel photo map

For this type of map, it show a clear distinction in how it has subdivisions in certain areas and water in their specific area and where the roads are located. This map gives people a clear view of where certain areas are located.

Cartographic Map

In this picture, the map is showing a clear image of what is trying to be portrayed. It is showing a view of a very large hurricane, but with only outlines of the states. This is a clear image to show the detial of the hurricane and how strong it is.

Cartogram Map

In this map each little geometric square represents 1 million people. This map is showing the whole world and the amount of people that live in it.

Statistical Map

The distribution of phone lines is being shown in this map. The brighter the color shading is the higher the statistics are of have a phone line.

Flow Map

Within this map, the west nile virus is being tracked on how far away from the mississppi river the virus is going. This map also portrays the different elevation areas and how far up or down the virus is going.

Isoline Map

This map is portraying the different variences of temperatures. This map shows a good idea of what an isoline map really looks like. The reason for this is because this map shows a specific region, but within this region are different sections but there are sections that have the same temperature.

Proportional Circle Map

In this map, the Proportional Circles are identifying certain areas in certain states. The bigger the circle, the larger of people who live there. Also it tells the percentage amount of people.

Choropleth Map

This Map is showing the ratio between males and females. For each color the ratio goes higher than the previous one. The darkest shade of red is really only found in Alaska. So this would mean Alaska would have more males in one region than anywhere else in the Country.

Dot Distribution Map

This map was interesting to me because it clearly relates to what a Dot Distribution Map is. This map is relating to the population size in 2000. For each black dot on the map, there are aproximately 75oo people. This Map gives you a better idea of how many people live in a specific region.

Hypsometric Map

I found that this map really related to that of a Hypsometric Map. The reason is because the way that the specific color shading that is used helps bring out the elevation on the map. It gives the distinctiveness that a map needs when trying to portray something that is showing something being elevated.


This PLSS Map shows the different states divided up into little sections. This map would help in governmental situations to better cordinate where they are trying to locate something. Then after pin pointing the cordinates they want they would be able to say it's in this "number section".

Cadastral Map

To me this is a really good demonstration of a cadastral map. The reason is is that it shows a wide area divided up into different sub sections. Also, it shows distinctly where on a mab certain buidlings are located.

Thematic Map

This map is displaying the different regions in one state. Each region is color coated for that specific region or area. When people do further investigation on this state or the area in the state they would like to go to, then they will be able to find out the specifics for that area better with the region being color coated.

Topographic Map

This topographic map is displaying the different elevations of the regions that are on this map. Also, this map is showing if one region's elevation is flat or if there are hills and if the region is rocky.

Planimetric Map

This map is showing the horizontal destinations of specific places. It is being shown in 2d so that it is better represented and that people can grasp a visual concept of where exactly they are going.